Results for 'Gregory Wanda Torres'

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  1.  8
    Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language.Wanda Torres Gregory & Yvonne Unna (eds.) - 2009 - State University of New York Press.
    _Aims to transform logic into a reflection on the nature of language._.
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    Unintelligibility in Heidegger.Wanda Torres Gregory - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 11:57-61.
    In his Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis) (GA 65), Heidegger claims: "Making itself intelligible is the suicide of philosophy" (435). He defines intelligibility in terms of the modern metaphysical forms of thinking and speaking about beings as objects of representation. Moreover, intelligibility involves a uniform accessibility for the inauthentic. anybody of an age marked by thoughtlessness. Thus, Heidegger upholds and tries to adhere to a principle of unintelligibility for the thinkers in the crossing from the first beginning to the other (...)
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    On the Essence of Language: The Metaphysics of Language and the Essencing of the Word Concerning Herder's Treatise on the Origin of Language.Wanda Torres Gregory & Yvonne Unna (eds.) - 2004 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    _This important early Heidegger text sheds new light on his later focus on language._.
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  4. Traditional Language and Technological Language.Martin Heidegger & Wanda Torres Gregory - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Research 23:129-145.
    Heidegger reflects on technology, language, and tradition, and he guides us into rethinking the common conceptions of technology and language. He argues that the anthropological-instrumental conception of modem technology is correct but not true, as it does not capture what is most peculiar to technology: the demand to challenge nature. The common conception of language as a mere means for exchange and understanding, on the other hand, is taken to its extremes in the technological interpretation of language as information. Heidegger (...)
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  5. Heidegger's phenomenology of boredom, and the scientific investigation of conscious experience.Sue P. Stafford & Wanda Torres Gregory - 2006 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 5 (2):155-169.
    This paper argues that Heidegger's phenomenology of boredom in The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics: World, Finitude, Solitude (1983) could be a promising addition to the ‘toolbox’ of scientists investigating conscious experience. We describe Heidegger's methodological principles and show how he applies these in describing three forms of boredom. Each form is shown to have two structural moments – being held in limbo and being left empty – as well as a characteristic relation to passing the time. In our conclusion, we (...)
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    Heidegger's Path to Language.Wanda Torres Gregory - 2016 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book analyzes and compares the different concepts that Heidegger developed about language over his career, reflects critically on his idea of the mysterious language of Er-eignis, and offers an alternative model of the appropriating force of language.
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  7. Language and transformation in Heidegger¿s "Beiträge zur Philosophie (Von Ereignis)" and Wittgenstein¿s "Philosophische Untersuchungen".Gregory Wanda Torres - 2006 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 41 (87):197-216.
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    Speaking of Silence in Heidegger.Wanda Torres Gregory - 2021 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book charts the trajectory of Heidegger’s concept of silence by focusing on its relation to truth as the unconcealedness of being/beyng and language as disclosive sonorous saying. Wanda Torres Gregory concludes with critical reflections on the later Heidegger and proposes alternatives to his signature claims concerning silence.
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  9. On the essence of language: the metaphysics of language and the essencing of the word ; concerning Herder's treatise On the origin of language/ Martin Heidegger ; translated by Wanda Torres Gregory and Yvonne Unna.Martin Heidegger - 2004 - Albany: State University of New York Press. Edited by Wanda Torres Gregory & Yvonne Unna.
    This English translation of Vom Wesen der Sprache, volume 85 of Martin Heidegger's Gesamtausgabe, contains fascinating discussions of language that are important both for those interested in Heidegger's thought and for those who wish to ...
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    Worlding Rootedness: Martin Heidegger: Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language, translated by Wanda Torres Gregory and Yvonne Unna. State University of New York Press, Albany, 2009, 163 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4384-2673-0.Oren Ben-Dor - 2011 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 24 (3):369-381.
  11.  26
    Quel statut pour les banques de sang de cordon ombilical ?Laurent Marville, Isabelle Haye, Reinhart Marville Torre & Grégory Katz - 2010 - Médecine et Droit 2010 (102):81-85.
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    Some Great Figures.Gregory D. Gilson & Gregory Fernando Pappas - 2009 - In Susana Nuccetelli, Ofelia Schutte & Otávio Bueno (eds.), A Companion to Latin American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 497–524.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Acosta, José de (1539–1600) Alberdi, Juan Bautista (1810–84) Bello, Andrés (1781–1865) Bilbao, Francisco (1823–65) Bolkvar, Simón (1783–1830) Casas, Bartolomé de las (1484–1566) Caso, Antonio (1883–1946) Cruz, Sor Juana Inés de la (1651–95) da Costa, Newton Carneiro Affonso (b. 1929) Dussel, Enrique (b. 1934) Frondizi, Risieri (1910–83) Gaos, José (1900–69) González Prada, Manuel (1848–1918) Gracia, Jorge J. E. (b. 1942) Haya de la Torre, Victor Raúl (1895–1979) Hostos, Eugenio Marka de (1839–1903) Ingenieros, José (1877–1925) Korn, Alejandro (...)
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    (1 other version)The social responsibility performance of ethical and solidarity funds: an approach to the case of Spain.María Jesús Muñoz-Torres, María Ángeles Fernández-Izquierdo & María Rosario Balaguer-Franch - 2004 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 13 (2-3):200-218.
  14.  31
    Aquinas on the Divine Ideas as Exemplar Causes.Gregory T. Doolan - 2008 - Washington D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
    Gregory T. Doolan provides here the first detailed consideration of the divine ideas as causal principles. He examines Thomas Aquinas's philosophical doctrine of the divine ideas and convincingly argues that it is an essential element of his metaphysics. According to Thomas, the ideas in the mind of God are not only principles of his knowledge, but they are productive principles as well. In this role, God's ideas act as exemplars for things that he creates. As Doolan shows, this theory (...)
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  15. What is self-awareness?Gregory R. Mulhauser - manuscript
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    American Philosophy: From Wounded Knee to the Present by Erin McKenna and Scott L. Pratt.Gregory Fernando Pappas - 2021 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 57 (1):130-137.
    American Philosophy is the first introduction to the tradition of American philosophy that frames the history of the philosophical ideas in the history of America. This is an extraordinary accomplishment that is long overdue. The book tells the story of a philosophical tradition that is shaped by, and critically reacts to, major events in the history of the USA. In their introduction, McKenna and Pratt explain what the American philosophical tradition stood for. For many of the philosophers mentioned in this (...)
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    Thomas Aquinas on War and Peace.Gregory M. Reichberg - 2016 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Inquiring 'whether any war can be just', Thomas Aquinas famously responded that this may hold true, provided the war is conducted by a legitimate authority, for a just cause, and with an upright intention. Virtually all accounts of just war, from the Middle Ages to the current day, make reference to this threefold formula. But due in large measure to its very succinctness, Aquinas's theory has prompted contrasting interpretations. This book sets the record straight by surveying the wide range of (...)
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  18. Towards new links between HSS and Computer Science: the CoolDev project.Gregory Bourguin & Arnaud Lewandowski - 2010 - In Bernard Reber & Claire Brossaud (eds.), Digital cognitive technologies: epistemology and the knowledge economy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
  19. Just war and regular war: Competing paradigms.Gregory Reichberg - 2008 - In David Rodin & Henry Shue (eds.), Just and Unjust Warriors: The Moral and Legal Status of Soldiers. Oxford University Press. pp. 193--213.
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  20. I watch, therefore I am: from Socrates to Sartre, the great mysteries of life as explained through Howdy Doody, Marcia Brady, Homer Simpson, Don Draper, and other TV icons.Gregory Bergman - 2011 - Avon, Massachusetts: Adams Media. Edited by Peter Archer.
    Leave it to the boob tube to explain the meaning of existence. Let Gilligan's Island teach you about situational ethics. Learn about epistemology from The Brady Bunch. Explore Aristotle's Poetics by watching 24. Television has grappled with a wide range of philosophical conundrums. According to the networks, it's the ultimate source of all knowledge in the universe. So why not look at the small screen for answers to all of humanity's dilemmas? There's not a single issue discussed by the great (...)
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  21. Agential Risks: A Comprehensive Introduction.Phil Torres - 2016 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 26 (2):31-47.
    The greatest existential threats to humanity stem from increasingly powerful advanced technologies. Yet the “risk potential” of such tools can only be realized when coupled with a suitable agent who; through error or terror; could use the tool to bring about an existential catastrophe. While the existential risk literature has provided many accounts of how advanced technologies might be misused and abused to cause unprecedented harm; no scholar has yet explored the other half of the agent-tool coupling; namely the agent. (...)
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    The Intertwining of Culture and Nature: Franz Boas, John Dewey, and Deweyan Strands of American Anthropology.Gabriel Alejandro Torres Colόn & Charles A. Hobbs - 2015 - Journal of the History of Ideas 76 (1):139-162.
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    The computational complexity of probabilistic inference using bayesian belief networks.Gregory F. Cooper - 1990 - Artificial Intelligence 42 (2-3):393-405.
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    An Evaluation of Machine-Learning Methods for Predicting Pneumonia Mortality.Gregory F. Cooper, Constantin F. Aliferis, Richard Ambrosino, John Aronis, Bruce G. Buchanon, Richard Caruana, Michael J. Fine, Clark Glymour, Geoffrey Gordon, Barbara H. Hanusa, Janine E. Janosky, Christopher Meek, Tom Mitchell, Thomas Richardson & Peter Spirtes - unknown
    This paper describes the application of eight statistical and machine-learning methods to derive computer models for predicting mortality of hospital patients with pneumonia from their findings at initial presentation. The eight models were each constructed based on 9847 patient cases and they were each evaluated on 4352 additional cases. The primary evaluation metric was the error in predicted survival as a function of the fraction of patients predicted to survive. This metric is useful in assessing a model’s potential to assist (...)
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  25. Psalm 22: Vox Christi or israelite temple liturgy?Gregory Vall - 2002 - The Thomist 66 (2):175-200.
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  26. The capacities that enable us to produce and consume art.Gregory Currie - 2003 - In Matthew Kieran & Dominic McIver Lopes (eds.), Imagination, Philosophy and the Arts. New York: Routledge. pp. 293--304.
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  27. Discourse effects of word order variation.Gregory Ward & Betty J. Birner - 2019 - In Paul Portner, Klaus von Heusinger & Claudia Maienborn (eds.), Semantics: noun phrases, verb phrases and adjectives. Boston: De Gruyter.
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  28. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology: Volume V.Gregory A. Kimble & Michael Wertheimer (eds.) - 2003 - Psychology Press.
    This book offers glimpses into the personal and scholarly lives of 20 giants in the history of psychology. As in the earlier volumes, prominent scholars were invited to prepare chapters on a pioneer who had made important contributions in their own area of expertise. Some of the psychologists described may be the teachers of the instructors who will be the users of this book, potentially providing a personal connection of the pioneers to the students. A special section provides brief portraits (...)
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    Arid Waters: Photographs From the Water in the West Project.Peter Goin & Ellen Manchester - 1992 - University of Nevada Press.
    Arid Waters is a photographic response to the growing crisis of water scarcity, which exists because our culture thinks of water as a commodity, or an abstract legal right, rather than the most basic physical source of life. The Water in the West Project began as a collaborative effort designed to present an artistic response to water as a social issue. Photography historian Ellen Manchester and the photographers - Mark Klett, Terry Evans, Laurie Brown, Peter Goin, Robert Dawson, Martin Stupich, (...)
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    Furthering Interpretivism’s Integrity: Bringing Together Ethics and Aesthetics.Cesar R. Torres - 2012 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 39 (2):299-319.
    One important limitation of the current renditions of interpretivism is that its emphasis on the moral dimension of sport has overlooked the aesthetic dimension lying at the core of this account of sport. The interpretivist’s failure to acknowledge and consider the aesthetic implicitly distances this realm from the moral. Marcia Muelder Eaton calls this distancing the separatist mistake. This paper argues that interpretivism presupposes not only moral but also aesthetic principles and values. What it sets out to demonstrate is that (...)
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  31. Neural tube defects. Ciba Foundation Symposium 181.Gregory Bock, Joan Marsh & Jeffrey A. Golden - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (12):939-942.
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    The theological notion of the human person: a conversation between the theology of Karl Rahner and the philosophy of John Macmurray.Gregory Brett - 2013 - New York: Peter Lang.
    The book explores the theological understanding of the human person. It does so by placing the theology of person in Karl Rahner's writings in dialogue with the philosophy of the relational person in the works of John Macmurray. It is through the method of dialogue that new insights into the theology of person arise.
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  33. Orestes A. Brownson: Works in Political Philosophy, Vol. 2:1828-1841.Gregory S. Butler (ed.) - 2007 - Intercollegiate Studies Institute.
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  34. Part One. Cultural and Cross-Cultural Agencies. The Year the Music Died : Agency in the Context of Demise on Takū, Papua New Guinea / Richard Moyle ; His Majesty's Theatre : A Hub of Musical and Theatrical Enteratinment in Colonial Dunedin / Sandra Crawshaw ; "In the Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Room" : Musicalizing the South Pacific in Disney's Theme Parks.Gregory Camp - 2023 - In Nancy November (ed.), Music, society, agency. Boston: Academic Studies Press.
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    John Wesley on religious affections: his views on experience and emotion and their role in the Christian life and theology.Gregory Scott Clapper - 1989 - Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press.
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    Utopian Texts: Introduction Francis Galton, 'Kantsaywhere' and 'The Donoghues of Dunno Weir'.Gregory Claeys - 2001 - Utopian Studies 12 (2):188 - 190.
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    Pour une lecture rapprochée de Merleau-Ponty. Origine et genèse de quelques concepts fondamentaux.Grégory Cormann - 2008 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 44:45-59.
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    Overcoming Addiction: Seven Imperfect Solutions and the End of America's Greatest Epidemic.Gregory E. Pence - 2020 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Leading bioethicist Gregory Pence demystifies seven foundational theories of addiction to reveal how they must work together to build more comprehensive solutions. Concerned citizens, individuals suffering from addiction, their families, and those who devote their lives to fighting addiction will find this new perspective a hopeful call to arms.
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    Material spirit: religion and literature intranscendent.Gregory C. Stallings (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Explores the relation between religion, philosophy and literature.
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  40. Citizens and Saints: Politics and Anti-Politics in Early British Socialism.Gregory Claeys - 1992 - Utopian Studies 3 (1):184-186.
  41.  18
    Metaphysical Individualism.Gregory Currie - 1989 - In Fred D'Agostino & I. C. Jarvie (eds.), Freedom and Rationality: Essays in Honor of John Watkins. Reidel. pp. 47--65.
  42. The ontology of conceptual art.Gregory Currie - 2007 - In Peter Goldie & Elisabeth Schellekens (eds.), Philosophy and conceptual art. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Could There Be Another Galileo Case? Galileo, Augustine, and Vatican II.Gregory W. Dawes - 2011 - Journal of Religion and Society 4.
    In his 1615 letter to the Grand Duchess Christina of Lorraine, Galileo argues for a “principle of limitation”: the authority of Scripture should not be invoked in scientific matters. In doing so, he claims to be following the example of St Augustine. But Augustine’s position would be better described as a “principle of differing purpose”: although the Scriptures were not written in order to reveal scientific truths, such matters may still be covered by biblical authority. The Roman Catholic Church has (...)
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  44. A Just War? The War and the Moral Gulf.Gregory Elliott - 1992 - Radical Philosophy 61:10-13.
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    We are all migrants: political action and the ubiquitous condition of migrant-hood.Gregory Feldman - 2015 - Stanford, California: Stanford Briefs, an imprint of Stanford University Press.
    Preface : migrations without migrants and migrants without migrations -- Introduction : the presence of migrant-hood and the absence of politics -- Atomization : the ubiquitous condition of migrant-hood -- Activity : atomization through connection -- Action : the presence of politics and the absence of migrant-hood.
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    Leucippus and Democritus on Like to Like and ou mallon.Gregory Andrew - 2013 - Apeiron 46 (4):1-23.
    Journal Name: Apeiron Issue: Ahead of print.
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    7 Russell's Substitutional Theory.Gregory Landini - 2003 - In Nicholas Griffin (ed.), The Cambridge companion to Bertrand Russell. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 241.
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  48. Nature Lost? Natural Science and the German Theological Traditions of the Nineteenth Century.Frederick Gregory - 1993 - Journal of the History of Biology 26 (2):373-375.
  49. Rethinking the Emerging Jurisprudence of Juvenile Death.Gregory Bassham - 1991 - Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy 5 (2):467-502.
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  50. ``Divine transcendence.''.Gregory Baum - 1971 - In Joseph P. Whelan (ed.), The God experience: essays in hope. New York,: Newman Press. pp. 120--36.
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